Monday 10 December 2007

History and ICT

I have previously used ICT in history many times. The children that I have worked with love the interactive history games that can be found on the internet, on such websites as, the BBC History website. This site covers most of the historic topics that are covered in KS1 and 2 (and a few beyond). It has video clips, games, pictures that can be clicked on and explored, puzzles and printable sheets, to name but a few examples.

BBC history website:


Databases would be good to use in both maths and science. Both of these subjects can rely on the manipulation of large quantities of data, especially if you are gathering results from a test or investigation from the whole class and are wanting to compare and look deeper into these results. For KS1 I would probably use databases as a whole class activity when gathering information, I would not expect them to understand the concept of databases or expect them to have the attention span or inclination to complete one themselves. In KS2 I feel that it would be possible to use small databases in small groups or more in-depth ones as whole classes.

Monday 3 December 2007

I love this programme. It is so fun, and it is just how my brain works, in pictures, words and colour. I would mainly use this personally for revision, but would also use it with children as a whole class (not necessarily allowing year twos to try to do it on their own) but to record the ideas that the class come up with in the whole class teaching session. Then to print it off as a whole class memory aid for interesting displays.